Skadie and Modi get a lot of mail.  Here are the most common questions we get asked.
Q: Where can I get a Lundehund?
A: Finding a good, reputable breeder can be hard, with any breed. Cliffhanger and Gravning Mini Acres are the only Kennels that we know well enough to recommend on our site.
Q: How much does a Lundehund cost?
A: Cost is determined by the amount of characteristics a lundie has. A Lundie that has a full collar and 24 toes will most likely cost more than a Lundie with and incomplete collar and 23 toes. If you are planning on showing/breeding you may have to pay a little more than if you are just looking for a pet. The price range is anywhere from  us$500-$2000.
Q: Are they good with children/other pets?
A: YES! The key is to introduce the future pals correctly. If you have an old cat that hates dogs, it will probably hate the new lundie.  Introducing a new puppy to the family is much easier than introducing an older dog who may already not like cats/dogs etc...
Q: Do they require a lot of exercise?
A: No! All animals require exercise of some kind. Since Lundies are small they can get a lot of exercise in a small space, Making them ideal apartment dwellers.
Q: Are they good at .....?
A: Probably...Lundies love to play!! We know of people who are using lundies in agility and fly ball. They are very smart dogs with a high capacity for learning. They are slightly difficult to train and are not considered beginner dogs. Most owners agree that you can be a beginner, but  you  need to be patient and consistent.
Q: Are they difficult to housetrain?
A: Yes.  You must start as early as you can and be dilligent. Most Lundie owners find crate training the best method of housetraining, but this does not work if you cannot take the dog out every 4-6 hours. Owners have also found that continual access to the outdoors (like a doggie door) also helps.
Q: Are they prone to disease?
A: Yes.  Lundehunds are prone to Intestinal lymphangiectasia, Inflammatory bowel disease and Protein Losing Enteropathy referred to as Lundehund Syndrome. This disease is usually episodic. It is beleived to be a disease brought on by stress and usually appears  as long episodes of Diarrhea and Vomiting. Most owners believe a diet high in protien and low in fat can prevent the disease from appearing, although it is not proven.These days a diagnosis of IL is not necessarily a death sentence, most episodes can be treated if the symptoms are caught early enough. There are currently several studies going on that are investigating this disease.
For more info please read Lundehund Syndrome.
Q: What is the average life span?
A: This is difficult to determine because of the many deaths in the 80´s related to IL. This slanted the average number to 6 or 7  years. We have heard of many happy and healthy 8-14 years olds. Most literature now puts the average life span at 12 years.
Q: Are they barkers?
A: Yes, but there exceptions ofcourse,  They are very loyal and protective.Once they have an established territory they like to patrol and protect it. They have a keen sense of hearing and sometimes appear to be barking at nothing! Like most bad habits this can be easily corrected. Dominant alpha Lundies tend to bark more than lower lundies.
Q: Are they good alone?
A: If your new  dog is going to be alone for more than 7 hours a day, maybe you should consider getting a fish. All dogs long for their human companions. It is unfair to leave a dog unattended for hours at at time. They will undoubtedly suffer mental trauma or act out. An easy solution is to simply get 2 dogs, Rearranging your work schedule or hiring a dog sitter may cost a little extra money , but it is also an option.